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Antiques & Vintage Texas

French Panel doors with glass (96 x 72.5) I051

French Panel doors with glass (96 x 72.5) I051

Regular price $1,000.00 USD
Regular price $3,850.00 USD Sale price $1,000.00 USD
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Doors are as is final sale


some of the wood work has shifted and where they use to meet, they no longer do.


Please reach out if you have any questions


500 a piece of 1000 for the set, no additional discounts


French doors imported from Egypt, made out of massive East European pine. These doors were made our of old doors that we were not ble to sell. We took them apart and made these doors with that old wood. .

Dimensions: 96” by 72.5” total width

*Our doors come in various sizes and at times the sizes might be off a quarter of an inch.

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